AAACN provides you with the up-to-date education you need to advance your career. We encourage you to take advantage of two courses designed just for you. If you are preparing for the ambulatory care nursing certification exam, kick start your exam prep by attending the Ambulatory Care Nursing Certification Review Course. Maybe you're looking to enhance your telehealth nursing skills? The Telehealth Nursing Practice Core Course (TNPCC) is for you. Both courses will be offered at the Annual Conference in April, and they are also available in other online formats or live at your facility.

If you are attending the AAACN Annual Conference in San Antonio, you may want to plan to stay an extra day on Saturday, April 9, to attend the Certification Review Course or TNPCC. Both are all-day courses offering contact hour credit. You can register for either course in November when conference registration is open. There is a separate fee to attend each course.

Can't attend the conference? Both courses are available online in the AAACN Online Library. Facilities may also purchase a Site License to offer the course to a group of nurses online, or the course can be taught live at your facility.

Learn more about the Certification Review Course

Learn more about the TNPCC